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Asamblea Legislativa
Parliamentary bodies dealing with human rights :
Special Committee on Human Rights

Type of parliamentary body Specialized
Nature Temporary
Related to chambers Asamblea Legislativa
Date of creation 15 June 2006
Last renewal date
Mandate The purpose of the special committee on human rights is to study and report issues related to the violation of human rights; as well as to study and issue a decision about all bills on the legislative agenda related to human rights; and follow up the recommendations issued by the Ombudsman and other similar bodies. It works to control politically the implementation of governmental public policies on human rights. It organises forum, seminars, film forums, and photography stands, it is not in charge of complaints.
Membership It is composed of seven members nominated proportionally by the president of the parliament. Term: four years. The current committee's term expires on April 30th, 2010. The members of this committee are working to make the committee on human rights a standing body.
Working methods The agenda compiles all bills that deal with human rights included on the legislative agenda, and that are sent by the president of the legislative assembly. Subcommittees are created to analyse the bills before issuing a report. Governmental authorities, such as, ministers, Ngo's and society representatives are invited to talk about the bills. Sessions are opened to the public. To follow up those issues approved by the committee and to make sure that they are accomplished, the committee calls out the responsible ones of the accountability. Acts and criteria are based on the sessions.
Relations with other parliamentary bodies At internal level, in the legislative assembly, the special committee on human rights does not interact with any other committees.
Relations with external bodies The committee has interacted with institutions such as the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, with Ngo's related to the issue of human rights, the International Red Cross, in a moderate way with the Ombudsman.
Subjects dealt with The committee has focused on the approval of agreements of Geneva on the issue of international humanitarian rights by promoting bills to regulate the warlike toys, as well as the establishment of psychiatric penitentiary hospital, and analysing approaches related to the civil rights of homosexual people, among others. In the last nine months, fifteen bills have been reported and most of them become laws of the Republic.
Main address Asamblea Legislativa
Avenida Central y Primera, Calles 15 y 17
Website http://www.asamblea.go.cr
Name Mr. José Manuel Echandi Meza
Notes President
Address (if different from above)
Phone +506 22 43 23 27, +506 88 19 23 14
Fax +506 22 43 23 70
E-mail jmechandi@asamblea.go.cr
Name Mr. Fernando Faith Bonilla
Notes Advisor of the President
Address (if different from above)
Phone +506 22 43 20 91, +506 22 43 23 27
Fax +506 22 43 23 70
E-mail ffaith@asamblea.go.cr, ffaith@racsa.co.cr
web site:
Name Ms. Rocío Barrientos Solano
Notes Chief of the area assigned to the Committee on Human Rights
Address (if different from above)
Phone + 506 22 43 24 41, +506 88 38 05 01
Fax + 506 22 43 24 44
E-mail comision-internacionales@asamblea.go.cr, rbarrientos@asamblea.go.cr
web site:

Information on this page was last updated on 14 May 2009
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